Monday, July 14, 2008

Mine and Ours

So Saturday was a fun day. It started with the usual long day of being customer support for the newspaper and resolving complaints. Then, I took a short nap and took Joy and Cassia up to a bridal shower for a good family friend, Jarrod Parry's wife. They had fun. I then took Hunter and Redick up to the Gateway to start "the journey." I got in line for the new iPhone. What a mistake that was. I got in line and they told me the wait would be two hours. I thought, "Perfect, the kids can last two hours and then I'll go pick up Joy and Cassia when I'm done." Sha...right.

Joy's mom took the kids at about 5:00 and took them up to Ogden so that Joy and I could have a night to ourselves to celebrate our 9th Anniversary. I feel bad because we finally walked out of the store at 8:00. I was in line for 5 and 1/2 hours. All this for a phone?! I stood in line so long I decided to get Joy a phone too. They are pretty amazing phones and they actually help a ton at both of my jobs. The phone has GPS now, so I really use that a lot at the paper. It also now has push email so I get my eBay email immediately to the phone.

So after that, we did have a nice, relaxing dinner without the kids. Then we went home and went to sleep because it was about 11:00 by the time we were done eating and drove home. Joy was nice enough to come with me on the paper route the next day too, which was nice to spend some more time with her without the kids and she helped get it done quicker too.


Courtney said...

5 1/2 hours? You are crazy. I wish I were you.

Denise said...

I wish I had that phone! I don't think I have the patience to wait in line that long. I could make Josh though!! March is our anniversary, maybe??

Janel said...

Wow! that sounds like a cool phone. I just got Rob a gps for his b day and he love it. I didn't know there was a phone that could do all that.

P.S Happy Anniversary!

Jen said...

At least Joy got a phone out of the whole ordeal. Tom said he saw you at the Apple store. So now you're on Janzen's "cool" list too. He wants an i phone pretty bad. Waiting for your contract to expire is pretty sucky.