Well, we are past the point where the count down begins. Kirk leaves in 2 days! I don't know how I am going to make it through the next 3 weeks without having a break down! I usually base my day on how many hours till Kirk will be home, "one more hour....I might make it." Now it will be more like, "2 weeks 6 days 14 hours, I might make it." "2 weeks 6 days 13 and a 1/2 hours. I don't think I am going to make it."
But how cool is it for him! Not cooking for 3 weeks, not cleaning for 3 weeks, no laundry for 3 weeks, uninterrupted sleep for 3 weeks.
Oh well.
Most of all I am just going to miss him. Miss him calling me just to say hi. Miss the slug bugs, the Nissan nudges and PT Cruisers. Miss his kisses at the 3 scheduled times and the other unexpected times. Miss watching The Simpsons and talking after the kids are asleep.
Love you Stubbi. Have a good time!
That just stinks, Joy. I know how you feel about the count down. I do that too. Hopefully it will go by fast and everyone will be extra good while he's gone.
Sad I wiil miss him too!! You always have us though!! I am your sister and I kinda look like him. :) I won't give ya kisses like him but I can take the kids off your hands. I love you!
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